This web service returns event information from INGV-OE Earthquakes catalogs.
The results are retuned as XML in QuakeML format.
Query Usage
/query/? [catalog-name] [geographic-constraints] [depth-constraints] [temporal-constraints] [magnitude-constraints] [format-option] or /query/ ? [catalog-name] (id-options)where
catalog-name :: [catalog=<EtnaRCSC | EtnaSC_2000_2010 | EtnaSC_2011_2013 | EtnaSC_2014_2016 | EtnaSC_2017_2019 | AeolianSC_2000_2019>] id-options :: eventid=<id_value geographic-constraints :: [boundaries-rect] boundaries-rect :: [minlat=<latitude>] [maxlat=<latitude>] [minlon=<longitude>] [maxlon=<longitude>] depth-constraints :: [mindepth=<km>] [maxdepth=<km>] temporal-constraints :: [starttime=<time>] [endtime=<time>] magnitude-constraints :: [minmag=<magnitude>] [maxmag=<magnitude>] misc-parameters :: [limit=<integer>] [orderby=<time|time-asc|magnitude|magnitude-asc>] format-option :: [format=<xml|text|json|html>] (..) required parameter [..] optional parameterAll parameters must be separated by ampersands (&) as demonstrated in the samples below.
Sample Queries:
Detailed Descriptions of each Query Parameter
catalog: etna | Specify catalog. Valid catalog names are EtnaRCSC, EtnaSC_2000_2010, EtnaSC_2011_2013, EtnaSC_2014_2016, EtnaSC_2017_2019, AeolianSC_2000_2019
minlat: 39.0 | Southern boundary. (-90° if unspecified)
maxlat: 42.0 | Northern boundary. (90° if unspecified)
minlon: 10.0 | Western boundary. (-180° if unspecified
maxlon: 12.0 | Eastern boundary. (180° if unspecified)
mindepth: -1 | Specify minimum depth (kilometers), values increase positively with depth
maxdepth: 20 | Specify maximum depth (kilometers), values increase positively with depth
starttime: 2012-05-21T00:00:00 | Limit results to the events occurring after the specified start time.
endtime: 2012-05-25T23:59:59 | Limit results to the events occurring before the specified end time.
minmag: 0.0 | Specify a minimum magnitude.
maxmag: 7.4 | Specify a maximum magnitude.
orderby: time-asc | Can be either time, time-asc, magnitude and magnitude-asc. Default is time. Is used to order the output.
limit: 20 | Can be an integer value. Default is 1000. Is used to limit the results to the specified number of events.
format: xml | Specify format. Valid formats include "xml", "json", "html" and "text"
eventid: f1a8882d-7e51-11e6-a25a-00155d00000e | Retrieve an event based on the unique INGV event id [32 alphanumeric chars (uuid) or integer > 0].
Magnitude constraints
magnitudetype: ml,mw | Specify the magnitude type
Time Formats